
Join the ACA by Joining our Slack Group

To join the Slack Group send an email to either Jim Parker our CIO or Rick Flores or Membership Coordinator

Free Membership

Really… We’re not kidding, here! One of the central values of ACA as an organization is that membership in the Association remain free to all of those who wish to participate. There’s no hidden fees or tiered membership in ACA. In fact, you don’t even have to pay for our free online journal.

If you want to be a Standing Member of the Association — or even a Life Member — all you have to do is sign-up for the ACA Slack group, and you are all set. Amazing, isn’t it? That’s what happens when you do not have a massive office or staff apparatus to maintain! We fervently believe that our new communication technologies are streamlining office operations, and in so doing, making global communication more possible and effective.

Of course, we want to hear from all of our members! So, please register for the Slack group, become a member, and contribute to the dialogue by participating on the Slack group. Our Slack group doesn’t have many rules, so expect a free-form conversation to unfold in your email inbox. However, we do ask that no posts be made of a blatant advertising (SPAM) nature. We kinda frown on that, since we want the conversation to be pure and focused on communication.

Again, while we are a no-dues Association, we do take gifts to help keep us current — and, for special capital outlay projects (like conventions and software purchases, et cetera). So, if you feel so inclined to help us out with our mission, please click here to find out more about how you can help in the educational effort. We certainly do appreciate it, and your discipline thanks you, too.